Yobi Care is designed for businesses that place a high value on fostering strong relationships and delivering exceptional customer service.

It caters to organizations that understand the importance of regular and effective communication with their clients.

This solution becomes particularly significant in industries where ongoing client communication is vital for providing the core service, as seen in accounting firms.

Yobi Care offers the tools and capabilities needed to streamline customer interactions, manage inquiries, and ensure timely responses.

By utilizing this solution, businesses in various sectors, including accounting, can optimize their customer service processes, strengthen client satisfaction, and ultimately drive business success.

With Yobi Care, organizations can take their customer relationships to the next level, delivering personalized support and maintaining open lines of communication for superior service delivery.

Yobi Care offers
  • Single centralized point of contact for customer support with automatic routing to the responsible employee.
  • Simplification and organization for the customer.
  • Organized communication history with the customer.
  • Automatic escalation in case of non-compliance with defined response time objectives.
  • Service quality metrics
  • Accessible from any internet connection.
  • Advantages compared to using regular email:
  • Email is used for all communications, including informal ones, leading to the risk of losing or delaying important issues.
  • Message archiving is disorganized or based on ad hoc criteria that vary among employees.
  • It does not allow for issue escalation to higher levels of support without forwarding and copying messages.
  • No supervision or evaluation of response time and quality metrics.
  • Requires mailbox sharing in the event of employee changes.
  • Does not provide a single point of contact for all customers.
  • Does not guarantee a secure solution for archiving and historical records.
  • Yobi Care offers numerous advantages over the use of regular email for customer support.
  • By adopting Yobi Care, businesses can establish a centralized and efficient system for addressing customer inquiries. The automatic routing feature ensures that each query is directed to the responsible employee, facilitating prompt and personalized responses.
  • Yobi Care simplifies the customer experience by providing a clear and organized platform.
  • Customers can easily access their communication history, enabling seamless reference to past interactions.
  • Additionally, the system ensures that customer issues are escalated automatically if response time objectives are not met, promoting timely resolutions and customer satisfaction.
  • The inclusion of service quality metrics allows businesses to evaluate and improve their support performance.
  • Metrics such as response times and quality of responses can be measured, providing insights for service optimization and customer relationship management.

Yobi Care is not a mail response system:

  • With email, there is a risk of important issues being lost or delayed due to its wide usage for both formal and informal communication. Message archiving lacks organization and often follows inconsistent ad hoc criteria, leading to difficulties in retrieval and collaboration among employees.
  • Escalation of issues to higher levels of support requires manual forwarding and copying of messages, leading to potential confusion and delays. Supervision and evaluation of response time and quality metrics are not possible, hindering the ability to assess and improve customer support performance.
  • Changes in employees necessitate mailbox sharing, which can create complications in maintaining consistent and efficient communication.
  • Finally, regular email does not provide a unified point of contact for all customers and lacks a secure archiving solution for preserving historical records.

All solutions are unique. Contact us to know how YOBI Care can help your business